Four Key HR Trends to Watch in 2018
Employees search for more engaging work, HR is racing toward digitalization, the rise of ‘people analytics’, and the ‘Gig Economy’ top 2018 trends on the horizon. Read More…
Top 10 Compensation Mistakes Made by Small Businesses
Small businesses frequently fall into the trap of treating compensation programs as “something to worry about when we get bigger.” Read More…
Should Your Company Offer a Floating Holiday?
A floating holiday is an employee benefit that employers provide for employees. No government laws, in the US, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), require an employer to provide a floating holiday for employees. Read More…
7 Mistakes Millenials Make When Working Remotely For The First Time
More than ever, millennials are pushing for flexible work schedules and work-from-home opportunities. The American workplace is changing, with over 37 percent of Americans now working remotely in at least some capacity, and that number is expected to grow—but that doesn’t mean every remote worker is succeeding in their responsibilities. Read More…
How Companies Can Protect Against Identity Theft
Identity theft resulting from stolen corporate data is big news. The extensive media coverage and damage to the organizations and brands involved in recent data security breaches has brought identity theft detection and prevention to the forefront of corporate America’s concerns. Read More…
13 Trends Impacting Employee Engagement in 2017 [Infographic]
Do you remember the resolutions you made in January? The year is well underway now, and it can be easy to backslide away from our commitments to improving ourselves, our lives, and our places of work. Read More…
The Most Desirable Employee Benefits
In today’s hiring market, a generous benefits package is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. According to Glassdoor’s 2015 Employment Confidence Survey, about 60% of people report that benefits and perks are a major factor in considering whether to accept a job offer. Read More…
Innovations for People with Disabilities in the Workplace
Gayle Yarnall doesn’t consider herself a gadget freak, but you won’t find her at a business meeting without her Voice Mate.
As many consumers buy the latest gadgets, like slick MP3 players and iPhones, workers with disabilities are finding new and innovative assistive technology to accomplish tasks others take for granted, whether answering phone calls from coworkers or reading office memos. Read More…
Will the Gig Economy Make the Office Obsolete?
The gig economy, where independent consultants, contractors, and freelancers create portfolios of work in lieu of one full-time job, is transforming the way we work by disconnecting work from an office. In the traditional jobs economy, employers often require employee attendance in the office five days a week, eight hours a day. Read More…
Generation Z Hits the Workplace
Move over, millennials — Generation Z is entering the building. The oldest members of Generation Z, born in the mid to late 1990s, are now starting their careers. Read More…
Financial Wellness Benefits are a Growing Trend in 2017
Businesses are learning that financial stress can be as detrimental to the workforce as other types of stress that cause health problems and low productivity. Many companies have already wellness programs to keep their employees healthy and engaged at work, and some are adding programs designed to mitigate financial worries. Read More…
2017 Staffing: Will Law and Regulation Bring Boon or Bust?
With a Republican-dominated government taking office in January 2017, the stage is set for significant legal and regulatory changes that could affect the staffing industry for years to come. The fate of the 2016 overtime rule, regulation regarding immigrant workers and the Affordable Care Act and are the top issues that staffing firms should monitor. Read More…
5 HR Trends to Watch for in 2016
While completing the annual Open Enrollment process is top of mind for a majority of HR professionals, a new year is right around the corner. And with it comes an annual desire to understand what may be the most important HR topics, issues and insights in the months ahead. Read More…
It’s Finally Here! DOL Releases the New FLSA White Collar Overtime Exemption Rules
On May 18, 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced the publication of a final rule amending the white collar overtime exemptions to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The final rule, which will be published in the Federal Register on May 23, 2016, increases the threshold salary for the exemption to $913 per week ($47,476 per year), the standard salary level at the 40th percentile of earnings of full-time salaried workers in the lowest-wage Census Region (currently the South) Read More…
3 Things Shaping the Future of HR
With old HR practices fading, three themes will drive leaders’ thinking on the future of the human resources function: culture, nontraditional HR and a focus on people. Read More…
The Complete Guide To Human Resources For Small Business
Human resources is probably one of the more complicated aspects of running a small business. The complexities of working with people don’t fit nicely on a spreadsheet. Yet HR is incredibly important; employee salaries and benefits make up a huge chunk of your operating expenses. Read More…
Effective Performance Reviews – A Manager’s Tool
As a manager, you need to give your employees constructive feedback to make sure the business is operating at its peak. Annual or semiannual performance reviews give you the opportunity to praise employees for what they’ve done well, correct what they’re doing wrong, and discuss your vision for their growth and future at the company. Read more…
Cadillac Tax Webinar
On December 18th 2015, President Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, a large spending bill that effectively delays the infamous Cadillac Tax until 2020. The Cadillac Tax, originally scheduled to take effect in 2018, is a crucial funding component of the Affordable Care Act and would have assessed a 40%. non-deductible excise tax on the value of employer-sponsored medical plans exceeding certain annual premium thresholds for single and family coverage.
While the delay of the Cadillac excise tax is good news in the short-run for Chief Financial Officers and benefit plan administrators, the ever-rising costs of healthcare remains a threat.
Given the delay, ICSO H&W and the benefits consultants at Gibson decided to postpone the meeting on the Cadillac Tax until June 14th 2016. This special webinar information session will provide an overview of the Cadillac tax and its current implications but will also focus on cost mitigation strategies to consider for your group medical plan to avoid the excise tax (and higher plan costs) in the future.
We look forward to sharing our knowledge, insights, and strategies with all of our valued members and we hope you will join us in June.
Overtime Pay
It appears President Obama may decide to change overtime pay regulations by executive action without going through Congress (perhaps require overtime pay for anyone not making at least $50,440). Read about developments here [link to story below]. What would be the impact to your organization of such a change? Click Here to Read More
The Affordable Care Act’s Employer Shared Responsibility (ESR) provision — often called “the Employer Mandate” or “Play or Pay” — requires large employers to offer health coverage to their full-time workers or face a potential penalty. Small employers with fewer than 50 full-time and full-time-equivalent employees are exempt….Click Here to read more.
Election day will soon be upon us. With that comes common questions from employers about what they must do regarding employees who may need time off to work to vote. Click here to view a guide to voting leave laws by state.